Volunteers are key to the life of St. Peter's

It takes many volunteers for the organization and delivery of the various church services and outreach programs. At St. Peter's, faith formation is supported by study groups and educational opportunities led by both clergy and volunteers. Another aspect of ministry is the visiting of the sick and members of the congregation who can no longer attend services regularly. Other volunteer areas include different committees that ensure the upkeep of the hurch as well as its governance. 

Where do you see yourself volunteering?


Teams of volunteers assist at regular and special services. Greeters welcome parishioners and newcomers, provide assistance and information, and assure the smooth flow of communicants.

Coffee Hour Hosts 

These volunteers prepare and serve refreshments and tidy the space after a social period follwing the 10 am service. 

Sunday School

Children are a key part of the congregation. Our Sunday School has not yet started up again since it was shutdown during the pandemic. If you have children who would like to attend Sunday School please contact the Reverend Arran here


Bible Study Groups

Attendance at worship not only fosters a sense of community, of sharing in a common faith journey, but it also seeks to nurture body, soul, and mind. That is a lot to accomplish in one hour once a week! A program of reflection and discussion of the Bible is essential for our growth in understanding as Christians. We offer a variety of study programs, especially during Advent and Lent. If you would like more information, or if you have an idea for a study topic, we would be pleased to hear from you.


The Gospel spurs us to compassionate service, advocacy, and justice. Approaches to Outreach incorporate utilizing all our resources – our time, talents, skills, connections, passions, abilities, finances, and so forth as we are able. If you would like to be involved with Outreach intitiatives or you have ideas to share please connect with the Rev. Arran.  He can be reached by email here.

Some of the ways we engage in community at St. Peter's Church:

  • We gather non-perishable food items for St. Mark’s Food Bank and St. George's Pantry
  • We gather items needed by people experiencing homelessness and unstable housing or those moving from a shelter to a home and have nothing; we provide these items to Shelter Nova Scotia and Welcome Housing Support Services
  • We assemble and deliver gift bags at Christmas to various individuals and families in the local area as well as to frontline workers working in various shelters
  • We provide financial donations to many of the organizations listed below

These organizations operate throughout our region and beyond. Each one implements unique mandates in response to the needs of individuals and families. We trust these organizations as the experts that they are and value what they can accomplish with the financial gifts from the Church, as well as financial gifts of others, including individuals, foundations, businesses, and various levels of governments. Together we are making a difference in the lives of many people both near and far.

Altar Guild 

This group welcomes volunteers to help with upkeep, and beautification of the church, including the care of holy vessels, precious metals, and linens, and the arrangement of flowers. Volunteers are always welcomed and appreciated on a weekly, monthly or annual basis. Come when you can, as there is always something to polish, dust, or launder.

Servers Guild

Servers assist the clergy at the Holy Eucharist and other services of worship. They perform their duties with reverence, skill, and commitment, and are faithful in their attendance at worship.  Servers may take on any of the following roles: 

  • Crucifer:  Carries the Cross at specified times in the worship service.
  • Communion Server:  Assists the clergy with the preparation of the altar at the time of the Eucharist. 
  • Eucharistic Minister: Assists the clergy in the serving of Holy Communion to the congregation. 

Licensed Lay Ministers

Licensed Lay Ministers, formerly known as lay readers, are authorized by a Bishop in the Anglican Communion to lead certain services or parts of services of worship, to preach and to carry out pastoral and teaching functions. They are formally trained and admitted to office, and they remain part of the laity, not of the clergy. Licensed Lay Ministers and Lay Ministers-in-training wear medals held by ribbons to signify their roles. Purple is the colour of a Licensed Lay Minister's ribbon; blue is the colour worn by a Lay Minister-in-training. You can learn more here about this role here.

The Choir

The Choir is an all volunteer, non-professional group of music enthusiasts. They sing at the 10:00 AM Choral Eucharist every Sunday. Our Director of Music, Heidi Jury, is always pleased to hear from singers interested in joining the choir. You can reach Heidi here.

Other Groups & Committees

There are organized ministry groups with membership that has historically been all female or all male, but this feature is evolving to be more inclusive of both women and men with an emphasis now on groupings of skills and interests regardless of gender. If you are interested in any of the following please contact Rev. Arran

Parish Council Council consists of 11 members, including the rector, treasurer, secretary, 2 wardens, and 2 lay delegates representing both Synod and Regional Council. 

Finance Committee This committee advises and gives direction to Parish Council on all matters dealing with the finances of the church. The Finance Committee meets in advance of the Parish Council and provides valued recommendations to the Council. It consists of 7 members, including the rector, treasurer, 2 wardens, envelope secretary, and 2 members at large.

Offertory Counters Counters prepare and separate for deposit all monies donated to St. Peter's Church each Sunday morning.

Caring Committee The caring committee is a group of parishioners reaching out in Christian love, to aid the church membership and the community at large in meeting their emotional and social needs.

General Fellowship Group meets the second Saturday of each month, from October to May. Location and time to be decided. Please contact the office if you are interested in this.

Ladies Guild This group meets regularly to organize fundraising events and other fellowship activities. They are also available to cater for special events. New members are always welcome. 

Men's Group meets for breakfast at 8:00am the third Saturday of each month, except July/September.

Property and Technical Management This is a group of volunteers working to keep the physical amd technical infrastructure, buildings, and grounds in good shape.